** All abstracts will be posted on the EPC website at the conclusion of each meeting unless otherwise noted
Pharma will be limited to abstract submission based on available space. Please contact Ginny at GinnyLoiselle@easternpulmonaryconference.org with any questions.
Abstracts for the Eastern Pulmonary Conference September 4-7, 2025~
Abstract submission opens: May 1, 2025
Deadline: July 15, 2025
The EPC 2025 Annual Meeting will include poster presentations by pulmonologists and fellows-in-training, that will also feature a scientific program with interactive, problem-based learning and didactic lectures.
We urge you to participate by submitting your clinical research findings for consideration by our Poster Review Committee.
Submit all printed abstracts to: GinnyLoiselle@easternpulmonaryconference.org
Abstract Submission Instructions and form below
Abstract Form and Instructions
Poster size for display: 4 feet high by 6 feet long
- The abstract must adequately describe the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions so that the Abstract Committee may evaluate the quality of the work and proposed presentation.
- The abstract title should fully reflect the content of the abstract body.
- A structured abstract is required:
*Author line (affiliations will not be printed in the Program booklet)
*Introduction (background information and purpose of the project/study)
*Methods (study design, techniques)
*Results (summary of data)
*Funding if appropriate
- Illustrations and tables will not be printed in the Program booklet but may be included in your presentation poster.
- Supplementary data are not accepted under any circumstances.
- Abbreviations may be used in the abstract if such abbreviations are defined at their first mention.
- The abstract length is limited to 300 words.
- Abstracts must be submitted in a word .DOC format
- Font size 12, New Times Roman, title and headings only in bold
- Authors are to be listed by First name, Last name, Highest degree. Affiliations should not be included as they will not be printed in the Program Book. They are allowed in your final poster presentation.
- Authors are encouraged, but not required to submit for peer review and publication, any subsequent full-length manuscripts which derive from the submitted abstract.
- Each abstract submission must specify a corresponding author, to whom all correspondence about the abstract will be directed.
- Abstracts are submitted for poster presentation.
- The presenter of each accepted abstract must register for the scientific meeting in the standard fashion see EasternPulmonaryConference.org
- Wherever possible, noncommercial (generic) names must be used in all abstracts and posters. The Editorial staff may request a revised submission of the abstract to enforce compliance with this ACCME requirement.
- All authors must agree to disclose all non-FDA approved use of FDA approved drugs during the abstract submission process as well as in the actual presentation (oral or poster).
- The authors must accept sole responsibility for the statements in their submitted abstract.
** All abstracts will be posted on the EPC website at the conclusion of each meeting